Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanks G12 ushers!

Thanks to all who served today, and the following who stayed for recycling!

Sharon, Hwee Ying, Yee Ling, Xuefang, Jo-Ann, Steven, Vivian, Xue Yi, Sky, Shengwei, Xiang Hua, Sui Jin, Stanley, Zhijie, Jerome! (I hope I didn't miss out any names)

And of cos the rest of the ICs who helped with the various things to pack up. Kudos!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Allocation for 27 Nov 10

Those who are available, please come at 11.30am to help Yonghui with the water baptism setup thanks!!

Leaders Meeting: 12pm sharp.

CU: 84
H1: Xinyi
H1A: Wanyun
H2: Vanessa
H3: Karen
H3A: Candice (1500)
South: Sharon, Han Wee, Zack, Steven (1400)
H4: Norman
Internal:  Stanley, Sky, Shengwei (1500), Xuejun (1500)

Stage 1: Lincoln Lim
Stage 2: Ming Hui (1500)
Stage: Aileen Goh

Alpha: Xiang Hua + Sui Jin, Vivian, Xuefang (1500)
East: Choy Xue Yi + Zhi Jie + Uzen (1500)
West: Hwee Ying + Yee Ling, Jo-Ann

Traffic: Qi Yin
Traffic 2: Chung Kiat + Jerome, Weijie, Jester (1430), Gary (1500)
Logis: Bernard

Support/Recycling IC: Xue Yi / Vanessa
Attendance: Candice, Qi Yin
Comms Opening: Norman, Wanyun
Comms Closing: Ming Hui, Norman

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Allocation for 13 Nov 10

Leaders Meeting at 12pm sharp.

Objective of the day: 

Let's serve with joy of the Lord and feel the satisfaction of helping (even if just one) Service 1 congregation with a smile!

CU: 84
H1: Lincoln      
H1A: Alan Hong
H2: Khoon Fai
H2A: Mingli
H3: Jermaine (1430)
South: Xiang Hua + Vivian, Xuefang, Tien Min, Jester (1400), Gary (1500)
H4: Ming Hui (1500)
H4A: Karen Hui (1400)
Internal: Sky, Han Wee, Zack, Qian Kang (1500)

Stage 1: Kah Keong
Stage 2: Norman
Stage: Sharon Heng

Alpha: Xin Yi + Yee Ling, Jerome
East: Choy Xue Yi, Vanessa (til 3.30pm) + Aileen + Suijin (1500),
West: Mingli + Hwee Ying + Steven (1400)

Traffic: Candice (1400)
Traffic 2: + Sheng Wei, Zhijie, Uzen (1500)
Logis: Pinde

Support/Recycling IC: Xue Yi / Candice
Attendance: Khoon Fai