Monday, December 13, 2010

Candelight Service 18 Dec 2010

All ushers do come and help out Support duty at 10am this Sat.

G12 will be helping to do the candles so see you guys for Candelight Service at 1.30pm this Sat!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Allocation for Sat Svc 1 (11Dec10)

Pst Phil Weekend Service
Membership weekend

New SOPs:
- A2R2 reserved for Staff/CGLs only
- Clean pulpit with newspaper

Leaders Meeting: 12pm sharp.

CU: 95
H1: Karen
H2: Vanessa
H3: Candice
H3A: Alan
South: Xuejun, Jerome, Yee Ling, Weijie
H4: Xinyi
Internal: Aileen, Steven, Suijin, Vivian

Stage 1: Lincoln Lim (1400)
Stage 2: Norman (1445)
Stage: Sunthari

Alpha: Minghui (1445) + Gary, Uzen
East: Hwee Ying + Tien Min, Xuefang
West: Xue Yi + Stanley,  Zhijie (1500)
Traffic: Khoon Fai
Traffic 2: Ruixiang + Zack, Han Wee
Logis: Pinde
Membership: Yonghui + G11

Support/Recycling IC: Xue Yi
Attendance: Khoon Fai
Comms Opening: Wanyun
Comms Closing: Ming Hui, Norman

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanks G12 ushers!

Thanks to all who served today, and the following who stayed for recycling!

Sharon, Hwee Ying, Yee Ling, Xuefang, Jo-Ann, Steven, Vivian, Xue Yi, Sky, Shengwei, Xiang Hua, Sui Jin, Stanley, Zhijie, Jerome! (I hope I didn't miss out any names)

And of cos the rest of the ICs who helped with the various things to pack up. Kudos!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Allocation for 27 Nov 10

Those who are available, please come at 11.30am to help Yonghui with the water baptism setup thanks!!

Leaders Meeting: 12pm sharp.

CU: 84
H1: Xinyi
H1A: Wanyun
H2: Vanessa
H3: Karen
H3A: Candice (1500)
South: Sharon, Han Wee, Zack, Steven (1400)
H4: Norman
Internal:  Stanley, Sky, Shengwei (1500), Xuejun (1500)

Stage 1: Lincoln Lim
Stage 2: Ming Hui (1500)
Stage: Aileen Goh

Alpha: Xiang Hua + Sui Jin, Vivian, Xuefang (1500)
East: Choy Xue Yi + Zhi Jie + Uzen (1500)
West: Hwee Ying + Yee Ling, Jo-Ann

Traffic: Qi Yin
Traffic 2: Chung Kiat + Jerome, Weijie, Jester (1430), Gary (1500)
Logis: Bernard

Support/Recycling IC: Xue Yi / Vanessa
Attendance: Candice, Qi Yin
Comms Opening: Norman, Wanyun
Comms Closing: Ming Hui, Norman

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Allocation for 13 Nov 10

Leaders Meeting at 12pm sharp.

Objective of the day: 

Let's serve with joy of the Lord and feel the satisfaction of helping (even if just one) Service 1 congregation with a smile!

CU: 84
H1: Lincoln      
H1A: Alan Hong
H2: Khoon Fai
H2A: Mingli
H3: Jermaine (1430)
South: Xiang Hua + Vivian, Xuefang, Tien Min, Jester (1400), Gary (1500)
H4: Ming Hui (1500)
H4A: Karen Hui (1400)
Internal: Sky, Han Wee, Zack, Qian Kang (1500)

Stage 1: Kah Keong
Stage 2: Norman
Stage: Sharon Heng

Alpha: Xin Yi + Yee Ling, Jerome
East: Choy Xue Yi, Vanessa (til 3.30pm) + Aileen + Suijin (1500),
West: Mingli + Hwee Ying + Steven (1400)

Traffic: Candice (1400)
Traffic 2: + Sheng Wei, Zhijie, Uzen (1500)
Logis: Pinde

Support/Recycling IC: Xue Yi / Candice
Attendance: Khoon Fai

Friday, October 29, 2010

Allocation for Sat Svc 1 on 30 Oct 2010

CU: 84
H1: Lincoln         
H1A: Alan/WY
H2: Kendra
H3: Jermaine
South: Xiang Hua + (G12S1B Zhi Jie & Uzen) ; (G12S2B Crystal Choy & Sharon Heng)
H4: Ming Hui + (G12S1A Vivienne) & (G12S1C Wei Xian , Ernest Wong)
H4A: Karen Hui

Stage 1: Kah Keong
Stage 2: Khoon Fai
Stage: Aileen Goh

Alpha: Candice + (G12S1A Sui Jin) & (G12S2B Isabelle Lim)
East: Sunthari + (G12S2A Hwee Ying & Xue Jun)
West: Xin Yi + (G12S2C Yee Ling & Jerome)

Traffic: Norman
Traffic 2: Pei Xiong  + (G12S2B Han Wee , Sky Tan , Zack Tan) & (G12S1A Steven Ng)
Logis: Pinde

Support/Recycling IC: Candice (Remind ushers to scan out after recycling)
Attendance: Norman & Jermaine
BS room: Xiang Hua & Ming Hui  (CIC L4 - Chinese Church Rm 6, about 40 chairs)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Allocation for 16 Oct 10

Hi all! Here are the allocation for duty this week! Let's plan ahead, work together and look forward to an extraordinary time serving in the house of God!

- Leaders Meeting at 12pm sharp.

CU: 92
H1: Xinyi (1400)
H1A: Karen
H2: Lincoln
H3: Kendra (1500)
South: Xianghua + G12S1C (Quay Wei Xian & Ernest Wong)+G12S2A (Samuel Chong)
H4: Minghui + G12S2B (Han Wee, Sky Tan & Zack Tan)
Internal: WY

Stage 1: Khoon Fai
Stage 2: Kah Keong
Stage: Xueyi/Sharon Heng

Alpha: Candice + G12S2B (Choy Xueyi & Lim Tien Min)
East: Sunthari + G12S1A (Wong Sui Jin) + G12S1B (Jester Koh & Tham Zhijie)
West: Norman + G12S1A (Steven Ng, 1500) + G12S2C (Chan Yee Ling)

Traffic: Qi Yin
Traffic 2: Pinde + G11
Logis: Joshua Tham

OCP1: Kendra, OCP2: WY
Vs & Cs: Karen, Xinyi

Support/Recycling IC: Xianghua (Remind ushers to scan out after recycling)
Attendance: Lincoln
BS room: Norman (CIC L2 - Chinese Church Rm 6, about 40 chairs)

- Xinyi

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Allocation Svc 1 (02 Oct 10)

- Leaders Meeting at 11.30pm sharp. @Rooftop
- Communion Weekend

CU: 84
H1: Karen
H2: Vanessa
H3: Xinyi
South: Qi Yin + Aileen, Yee Ling, Ernest, Jerome
H4: Lincoln
H4A: Minghui
Internal: Suijin, Shengwei, Steven, Weixian

Stage OS: Zech
Stage 1: Khoon Fai
Stage 2: Kah Keong (1430)
Stage: Xueyi

Alpha: Candice + Sharon, Tien Min
East: Hwee Ying, (Kendra?) + Han Wee, Sky Tan
West: Jermaine + Gary Neo, Zhijie

Traffic: Xianghua
Traffic 2: Ruixiang +G11
Logis: Pinde
Communion: G11

Support/Recycling IC: Candice
Attendance: Minghui

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Svc 1 Allocation 18 Sep 2010

- Leaders Meeting at 12pm sharp.
- Membership weekend

CU: Esther (92)
H1: Xinyi
H1A: Alan
H2: Kendra
H3: Minghui
South: Xianghua
H4: Karen
Internal: Shengwei

Stage 1: Khoon Fai
Stage 2: Lincoln
Stage: Xue Y

Alpha: Norman
East: Qi Yin
West: Candice

Traffic: Jermaine
Traffic 2: Yoong Tian
Logis: Pinde

Trainer lesson 1: Ruixiang

Support/Recycling IC: Hwee Ying
Attendance: Lincoln, Xianghua

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Allocation for JW Sat Svc 1 (04 Sep 2010)

Leaders Meeting at 12pm sharp.

CU: 84
H1: Kendra Mah
H1A: Karen Hui
H2: Vanessa Tan
H3: Ming Hui
South: Xianghua (+ Sharon Heng, Tien Min, Sky Tan, Zack Tan)
H4: Norman Wong
Internal: Shengwei (+ Cheng Siang, Ernest)

Stage 1: Khoon Fai (1430)
Stage 2: Kah Keong
Stage: Sunthari, Xin Yi

Alpha: Jermaine (+ Hwee Ying, Xue Yi, Han Wee)
West: Candice (+ Aileen, Sui Jin)
East: Qi Yin (+ Yee Ling, Jerome)
East Overseer: Xin Yi

Traffic: Lincoln Lim
T2: Zech Lim
Logistics: Bernard Goh
Communion: Low En Yun + G11

Attd: Candice/Khoon Fai
Support/Recycling: Xiang Hua

Friday, August 20, 2010

Allocation for 21 Aug 10 Sat Svc 1

- Dr AR Bernard weekend: Formal Attire No. 2 (Stage brothers bring tie)
- Leaders Meeting at 11.45am

H1: Kendra
H1A: Wanyun
H2: Jermaine
H3: Minghui
South: Sheng Wei + 12S2A, 12S2B
H3/4 Overseer: Karen
H4: Norman
Internal: Kah Keong + 12S1C

Stage Alpha (Whiteboard): Alan, Kah Keong
S1: Zech
S2: Khoon Fai

Alpha: Lincoln + 12S2C
West: Qi Yin + 12S1A
East: Candice + 12S1B
Traffic: Chee Keong
T2: Yongwei
Logis: Pinde/Khoon Fai

Support/Recycling IC: Shengwei
Attendance: Candice, Khoon Fai

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sat JW Service 1 Allocation (07-Aug-10)

Hello everyone in G12!
Our goal for this week duty: Serve with GREATNESS and EXCELLENCE!!
Let's be sharp and detailed in every single thing we do and give God our best! 

1. Communion weekend
2. Guest Speaker: Mark Conner
3. Leaders Meeting at 11.45am
4. Attire Theme Colour: Red and White!

Chief Usher: Nicholas Pang
Hotel 1 Alpha: Ho Wan Yuen
Hotel 1: Tan Xin Yi
Hotel 2: Jermaine Lee

Stage 1: Lincoln Lim (1400)
Stage 2: Hui Khoon Fai
Stage Usher: Wong Qi Yin (Go up stage), Aileen Goh

Logistics: Grace Yao
Comms: Ming Hui (Opening), Norman (Closing)

Traffic: Eu Xiang Hua
T2: Lee Puay Siong

Support/Recycling IC: Xu Sheng Wei
Attendance: Candice Yong, Hui Khoon Fai

ZONE Alpha: Karen Hui
ICs: Xu Sheng Wei
G12S2A Peh Hwee Ying
G12S2A Quah Jian Hong Kelvin

ZONE East: Candice Yong
G12S1B Koh Jester
G12S1B Tan Uzen
G12S1B Tham Zhi Jie

ZONE West: Sunthari
G12S1C Wong Yong-Shun Ernest
G12S1A Wong Sui Jin

ZONE South: Lee Ming Hui
G12S2B Choy Xue Yi Crystal
G12S2B Heng Wen Ying Sharon
G12S2B Lim Tien Min Isabelle
G12S2B Tan Jun Yuan Sky

Int Traffic: Norman Wong
ICs: Cheong Kah Keong
G12S2B Tan Zi Yang Zack
G12S2C Chan Yee Ling
G12S2C Lim Jerome

Monday, July 26, 2010

FOP and CHC 21st Anniversary Allocation - JW

FOP Attire: Formal No. 2
Sun Anniversary Attire: Smart Casual

Friday, July 16, 2010

Allocation for Sat Svc 1 on 17 July 2010

** Leaders meeting at 11.45am SHARP

CU: 91
Hotel 1: Tan Xin Yi

Hotel 1A: Karen Hui
H2: Jermaine LeeHotel 3: Kendra Mah
South: Lee Ming Hui + 12S1A (Aileen), 12S2C (Yee Ling), 11S2C (Jie Ying, Jing Yuan)
Hotel 4: Norman Wong
H4A: Kah Keong + 12S1B (Jester, Uzen, Zhi Jie), 12S1C (Ernest)
Stage Overseer: Alan

Stage 1: Lincoln Lim (1430)
Stage 2: Hui Khoon Fai
Stage Usher: Sunthari (go up stage) + Sharon Heng

Alpha: Toh Lay Hwa + 12S2B (Tien Min, Han Wee)
East: Candice Yong + 12S2A (Kelvin Quah, Hwee Ying)
West: Wong Qi Yin + 12S2B (Sky, Zack)
E / W Overseer: Zech Lim 
Traffic: Xianghua

Traffic 2: Jeremy Chng + 11S2C (Joshua Kumaar, Daryl, Kuo Xuan) + Sui Jin, Jerome
Logistics: Michelle Leong

Support/Recycling IC: Hwee Ying + Candice Yong
Hall attendance: Ming Hui, Xianghua

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happening June Birthday Celebration

Catch what's up at G12 duty today, before the ICs started the meeting... we had a time of worship...

then we started our support...

while they are using these bulletins... look at wat the brothers are doing???

while each week... ushers are serving... and this week... we are having ushers worship time together as G12... presence was great... and i believe it's strong till i dun feel like stopping the worship... hahaha.. i believe you guys enjoy it too rite?? correct me if i am wrong.. hahaha..

finally... we are celebrating the JUNE BABIES BIRTHDAY!!!

after service.... while ushers are doing recycling... they are also fellowshipping... look at their smiles... join us the next time if you can stay :D

Friday, June 18, 2010

Allocation for Svc 1 (19 Jun 2010)

H1A: Alan 
H1: Vanessa 
H2: Jermaine 
H3: Jasmine 
South: Candice + 12S2A
H4: Norman + 12S1B + 12S1C
H4A: Karen Hui 
Stage 1: Ming Hui 
Stage 2: Khoon Fai, Zech Lim 
Stage Ushers: Tien Min (up stage), Xue Jun 

Alpha: Xiang Hua/Xin Yi + 12S1A
East: Qi Yin + 12S2B 
East Overseer: Ming Lee 
West: Sunthari + 12S2C

External: Kah Keong 
Traffic 2: Ren Jie 
Logis: Michelle Leong & Trinity 

Support: Wei Jie/Xue Jun 
Attendance: Jermaine/ Xiang Hua 

1. Membership weekend (6-7 tables) 

2. Leaders Meeting will start at 11.30am SHARP at Level 4/5.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Allocation for 05 Jun 10

H1: Xinyi
H1A: Zech
H2: Jermaine Lee
H3: Lay Hwa + 12S2B
H4: Khoon Fai + 12S2A, 12S2C
H3-4 Overseer: Kendra

S1: Norman
S2: Minghui
Stage: Candice, Tien Min
Stage Overseer: Alan (NC)
*If Alan comes, Zech and Alan swap

A: Lincoln (1400) + 12S2A
E: Vanessa (1430) + 12S1B
W: Sunthari + 12S1C

Traffic: Kah Keong
Traffic 2: Peixiong  + 11S1C, 11S2C
Logistics: Pinde
Communion: Yoong Tian  + 11S1A, 1B

Support/Recycling: Shengwei
Attendance: Lincoln, Xianghua (1530)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Thanks guys!

I really appreciate everyone of you who sacrificed to serve this Asia Conference! It was a sucessful and I'm sure we were blessed and feel the sense of satisfaction. I also believe we've learnt something and enlarged our capacity much more now to take JW hall now :P

I know it's back to back but since there is no cgm, let's manage our time well and have a good rest, so that we can come and give our best as well for the coming duty this Saturday. I'm looking forward to "fellowship" with u all over support duty!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Asia Conference - Things To Note for all ushers!

1. AC Registration
- Get your CGLs to register for you EVEN IF u are NOT coming for morning sessions, because we need the lanyard to put the worker's paper tag in it. 

2. Tags
- Make sure you bring our usual Usher tag to exchange for the workers' paper tag EVERYDAY. All worker's paper tag should be returned to Logistics by end of the day. 
*If you don't have the plastic card tag, inform your ICs to pass you the generic "Usher" Tag this Sat. 

3. Belongings
Travel light!! AVOID bringing any expensive stuff like laptops, cameras or bulky bags and wallets with too much cash as you are responsible for your own belongings although they are kept in the cupboards.

4. Meals
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner will be provided if you have forecasted yourself already for the various sessions. Except Sat with no breakfast. We would need to rotate to eat.

5. Attire:
- There will be some days where there is maybe SMART CASUAL and FORMAL on the same day for different sessions. Pls stay tuned to the blog when we confirm and update you all. 
- Those who don't have formal attire, do prepare to borrow or try to get it before the conference week.
- NOTE: Sisters are strongly adviced not to wear skirt or high heels. We can still dress up looking sharp and to serve in our best capacity. 

6. Electives:
- Lots of manpower is also needed for the electives in the afternoons, if you are able to avail yourself. 

7. Accountability and Punctuality
- Please be on time for every session as we want to be there to help with the setup and briefing, not when the 'war' is over. (Get your fellow friends to give you morning call!)
- We still need more ushers for the Wed and Thur morning sessions. Please let your ICs know if you still can come. 
- If you are coming for that session, you are supposed to serve!! :)

Let's have equal sacrifice as it's an honor to serve God in such a conference as this. It's a tremendous privilege to be part of the history in making. 

Rom 12:9-13
"Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;
not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;
rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;
distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Asia Conference 2010

Have you given your ICs your Asia Conference forecast??
NO?? DUnno what are the reporting time??

Here are all the timings... if your ICs have not asked you yet... you can start bombing their phone.. haha (just kidding)

AC Support
Monday 24th May - 2pm
Monday 24th May - 6pm
Tuesday 25th May - 10am
Tuesday 25th May - 2pm
Tuesday 25th May - 6pm

AC Day 1 (26th May 2010) - Wednesday
Session 1 - 7am
Session 2 - 9.30am
Elective Workshop Session 1 - 12pm
Elective Workshop Session 2 - 2pm
Session 3 - 5pm

AC Day 2 (27th May 2010) - Thursday
Seaaion 4 - 7am
Session 5 - 9am
Session 6 - 10.30am
Elective Workshop Session 3 - 12pm
Elective Workshop Session 4 - 2pm
Session 7 - 5pm

AC Day 3 (28th May 2010) - Friday
Session 8 - 7am
Session 9 - 10am
Elective Workshop Session 5 - 12pm
Elective Workshop Session 6 - 2pm
Session 10 - 5pm

AC Day 4 (29th May 2010) - Saturday
Asia-lympics Competition - 7.30am
Children's Musial - 8.30am
Prayer Service 1 - 1pm
Session 11 - 2pm

AC Day 5 (30th May 2010) - Sunday
Prayer Service 2 - 7am
Session 12 - 7.30am
Session 13 - 9am
Session 14 - 2pm

- Morning Session will need Asia Conference 2010 lanyard so if you are NOT attending any elective BUT you are SERVING in the MORNING, please ask your CGL to get the lanyard for you. Please explain that you will NEED the lanyard to serve in the morning.

if any enquires, look through your handphone and dial your ICs number :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Babies

As promised, there are the photos for the May babies... :)

sharing their wishes... with Samuel first...

then Ernest...
then Tien Min...

then Xue Jun...
then Han Wee....
finally after speech... they got their presents... time to open their presents... and these are their present... wow!! lastly.. we thank God for such wonderful brothers and sisters in G12..
tat's may be end of the photos... but to all those who are having examinations... all the best to you in all your papers.. and hope you like the small exam pack gift from the G12 leaders..
Tat's all for now... stay tune for more to come...

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Upcoming Duty - 1st May 2010

Duty: Group 12 Duty Week
Reporting Time: 12.3opm
Venue: B2
Attire: Smart Casual

Sunday, April 18, 2010

First New G12 duty & Celebration of April Babies

Hey G12, here are some of the photos that were taken today...
Enjoy the photos...
Ushers doing Support Duty
Ushers allocating bulletins into the zones
It's Birthday Celebration TimE!!!

Sharing the wish for the year...


4 of them had the same reaction... look at the cards first


they started to open their presents...
And I present G12's April birthday babies!!
It's Over!! Stay tuned for more photos to be coming up...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Allocation for Sat Svc 1 - 17 April 2010

Hotel 1: Vanessa Tan
Hotel 1A: Wanyun
Hotel 2: Xin Yi
Hotel 3: Jermaine Lee
South: Dion Sng
Hotel 4: Khoon Fai
Hotel 4A: Karen Hui

Stage 1: Zech Lim
Stage 2: Kah Keong
Stage Ushers: Candince Yong (Go up stage), Choy Xue Yi

Alpha: Norman Wong
East: Ming Hui
West: Lincoln Lim
Traffic: Lay Hwa
T2: Jeremy Chng

Logistics: Kendra Mah

Comms: Zech/Ming Hui (Opening), Norman (Closing)

Support/Recycling IC: Xu Sheng Wei

Hall Attendance: Jermaine Lee, Toh Lay Hwa

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Teams of Group 12!

Change is always for the better. 
For the remaining 11 months before we join forces at Suntec, let's start afresh in our new teams with a new vision and goal this year -- to see greater breakthroughs and to see more lives changed! 

We really need to have greater EXCELLENCE in everything we do. Let's not grow weary while doing good!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Allocation for Svc 1 (JW) on 27 Mar 10

CU:  84
H1: Zech Lim
Alan Hong
H3: Chee Keong (Karen Overseer)
G12S1D (3)
H4:  Sharon Tan
(Rui Xiang Overseer)
Internal: Joshua Kumar + 12S2C (3)
Stage 1: 
Stage 2: Kah Keong
Stage usher
: Denise (Go up stage), Candice
T1:  Carrisa
Yong Hui
T2 understudy: Dion Sng
Alpha:  Justin (Xinyi Overseer)
East:  Trinity + 12S2B(1), 12S2D(1)
West: Xiang Hua + 12S1B (1), 12S1C (1)
Logis:  Pinde, Vanessa


1. Baby Dedication and Water Baptism weekend. (Some ushers may be needed for water baptism setup during support time)

2. Other Duties 
- Support/Recycling: Justin Koe
- Hall Attendance: Chee Keong, Lincoln

3. Last song: TMs to report back to T2 at 1st floor.

4. Ushers to stay back to clear the zones and for recycling.

5. Leaders' Meeting 12:15pm sharp at Riveria.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Allocation for Svc 1 (13 Mar 10)

CU: 91
H1: Zech Lim
H1A: Youmei
H2: Lincoln (Wanxiu oversee)
H3: Chee Keong
South: Ee Rong, Gunasunthari Veiraj (1445) + G12S1A (2), G12S2D (1), G4S3D (1)

H4: Sharon Tan
H4A: Rui Xiang (1430)
Internal: Xiang Hua + G12S1B (3)

Stage 1: Matthew Ho
Stage 2: Kah Keong (Justin Koe understudy)
Stage usher: Qi Yin (Go up stage), Fiona
T1: Norman Wong (Peggy oversee)
T2: Eugene Chee + G11S1B (4)
(need to leave early, H1 to arrange someone to take over after svc)
Logis: Khoon Fai
Hotel 5 Communion: Yoong Tian + Group 11
Alpha: Joshua Kumar Carrisa + G12S1D (2)
East: Wei Jie + G12S2C (2)
West: Keith Chan + G12S1C (1), G12S2B (1)


1. Guest Speaker Margarent Court + Communion Weekend

2. H4: Standby an IC at B1 (and ushers to go up ASAP) when S45 is almost full. Ensure altar call plan is ready. L78: (from Zone A to assist till CGLs can come in)

3. Other Duties
- Support/Recycling: Ong Wei Jie
- Hall Attendance: Carrisa, Lincoln

4. Last song: TMs to report back to T2 at 1st floor.

5. Ushers to stay back for recycling.

6. Leaders' Meeting 12:15pm sharp at Riveria.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Allocation for Sat Svc 1 - 27 Feb 2010

CU: 94
H1: Tan Xin Yi
H1A: Karen Hui
H2: Lincoln Lin + Zech Lim (Oversee with Set)
H3: Tan Chee Keong (14:30) + Zech Lim (Oversee)
South: Keith Chan + G12S2C (3) + G12S2D (1)+ G11S1C (2)
H4: Rui Xiang
H4A: Dion Sng (1430)
Internal: G12S1A (4)

Stage 1: Norman Wong
Stage 2: Cheong Kah Keong (Zech oversee)
Stage usher: Denise (go up stage), Candice Yong

T1: Michael Jonathan
T2: Peixiong + G11S1C (5)
Logis: Trinity, Kendra

Alpha: Sunthari, Peggy (15:00) oversee + G12S1B (1) + G12S2B (1)
East: Joshua Kumar + G12S1C(2)
West: Justin Koe + G12S1D(2)

1. Use 1628 floor plan i.e 15 rows (x10 seats per row) of A1 and A3.

2. H4: Standby an IC at B1 (and ushers to go up ASAP) when S45 is almost full. Ensure altar call plan is ready. L7&8: (Jerome Lim)

3. Other Duties
- Support/Recycling: Ong Wei Jie, Sharon Tan (set laptop and load dump)
- Hall Attendance: Norman, Lincoln
- Whiteboard (if any): Zech Lim, Keith Chan

4. Ushers to stay back for recycling and help with Service Prayer Meeting 6-7pm.

5. Leaders' Meeting 12pm sharp at Riveria.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Allocation for Svc 1 (JW) on 6 Feb 10

Let's come expectant and ready to give God our best!!

CU: 84
H1: Leow Wan Xiu
H1A: Zech Lim
H2: Sharon Tan
H3: Carissa Yap (Karen oversee with set)
South: Keith (1500), Sunthari + 12S2C
H4: Rui Xiang
Internal: Xiang Hua, Potae + G11
Stage Overseer: Alan Hong
Stage 1: Matthew Ho (1500)
Stage 2: Kah Keong (Alan oversee)
Stage usher : Denise (go up stage), Qi Yin
T1: Michael Jonathan (Peggy oversee)
T2: Renjie + G11
Communion: G11
Alpha 1: Lincoln Lim + 12S1B
West 1: Ong Wei Jie +12S1A, 12S1C
East 1: Justin Koe + 12S2B, 12S2D
1. Use 1628 floor plan i.e 15 rows (x10 seats per row) of A1 and A3.

2. H4: Standby an IC at B1 (and ushers to go up ASAP) when S45 is almost full. Ensure altar call plan is ready.
L7&8: (fr Zone A to assist till CGLs can come in)

3. Other Duties
- Support/Recycling: Ong Wei Jie
- Hall Attendance: Carrisa, Lincoln
- Whiteboard (if any): Alan Hong, Keith Chan

4. Late Count starts 45 mins after svc start (i.e. 4.15pm).

5. Last song: TMs to report back to T2 at 1st floor.

6. Ushers to stay back for recycling.

7. Leaders' Meeting 12:15pm sharp at Riveria. 

Friday, January 22, 2010

Allocation for 23 Jan 10

CU: Esther (92)
H1: Zech
H1A: Alan
H2: Xinyi
Chee Keong  (Karen oversee)
Keith, 12s1C(2), 12s1B(2)
H4: Matthew (RuiXiang oversee)
Internal: XiangHua, 12s1A(3) 12s2B(1)

Stage 1: Norman (15:00)
Stage 2:
Jonathan (Kah Keong Understudy)
Stage usher : Sunthari (go up stage) + Carabelle
Carrisa (Peggy oversee) G11
Jeremy Chng G11
Alpha 1:
Michael Jonathan, 12s2A(1) 12s2D(1)
West 1: Justin Koe,  
East 1: Joshua Kumaar
(Wanxiu oversee) 12s2C(2)

1. Use 1628 floor plan i.e 15 rows (x10 seats per row) of A1 and A3.

2. H4: Standby an IC at B1 (and ushers to go up ASAP) when S45 is almost full. Ensure altar call plan is ready.
L7&8: (fr Zone A to assist till CGLs can come in)

3. Other Duties
- Support/Recycling: Joshua Kumaar
- Hall Attendance: Chee Keong, Norman
- Whiteboard (if any): Alan, Kah Keong

4. Last song: TMs to report back to T2 at 1st floor

5. Ushers to stay back for recycling.

6. Leaders' Meeting 12:30pm sharp at B2 (due to Lincoln wedding).