Hotel 1: Peggy Lim
Hotel 1A: Zech Lim
Hotel 1B: Youmei
Hotel 2: Ruixiang (Runner: Ernest)
Hotel 3: Tan Xin Yi
South: Jeff Fan, Sunthari
Hotel 4: Lincoln Lim
Hotel 4A: Wanxiu
Internal: Chee Keong (3pm)
Stage 1: Wong Liang Kai
Stage 2: Jonathan Tan
Stage 2 overseer: Ee Rong
Stage Usher: Clarabelle (go up stage), Vanessa
Whiteboard: Zech Lim, Joshua Kumaar
Traffic: Edmund Chua
Traffic 2: Eugene Chee
Logistics: Pinde, Khoon Fai
Communion IC: Low En Yun, Jiasheng
Trainer: Berwin Tay
Alpha: Matthew (Overseer: Ee Rong)
West: Michael Jonathan
East: Norman Wong (Overseer: Karen Hui)
1. Dr AR Bernard service -- Formal Attire (ICs with blazer)
2. Pre-service prayer meeting 2.30-3pm (if any @Level 4): Karen + 2 Internal Traffic Ushers
- Give out prayer lists and take attendance
3. South 2 to block off last 3 rows for walk-ins.
4. Standby to lay chairs and overflow to staircases. Opening floor plan: 1628 (A1 and A3 with15 rows). H4: Ensure altar call plan is ready.
5. Stage positions and ushers to be sharp and preempt anything happening in front.
6. Other Duties
- Support/Recycling: Jeff Fan, Norman Wong
- Hall Attendance: Chee Keong, Xinyi
7. All ushers to stay for RECYCLING.