Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Usher of the Month (June)!

Congrats to Clarabelle Wong (12S2D) for winning the "Usher of the Month" in June 2009!

Let's all continue to serve God faithfully and with a great attitude! :)

The next one could be you!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Allocation for Svc 1 (11 Jul 09)

Hotel 1: Peggy Lim
Hotel 1A: Zech Lim
Hotel 1B: Youmei
Hotel 2: Ruixiang (Runner: Ernest)
Hotel 3: Tan Xin Yi
South: Jeff Fan, Sunthari
Hotel 4: Lincoln Lim
Hotel 4A: Wanxiu
Internal: Chee Keong (3pm)

Stage 1: Wong Liang Kai
Stage 2: Jonathan Tan
Stage 2 overseer: Ee Rong
Stage Usher: Clarabelle (go up stage), Vanessa
Whiteboard: Zech Lim, Joshua Kumaar

Traffic: Edmund Chua
Traffic 2: Eugene Chee
Logistics: Pinde, Khoon Fai
Communion IC: Low En Yun, Jiasheng
Trainer: Berwin Tay

Alpha: Matthew (Overseer: Ee Rong)
West: Michael Jonathan
East: Norman Wong (Overseer: Karen Hui)


1. Dr AR Bernard service -- Formal Attire (ICs with blazer)

2. Pre-service prayer meeting 2.30-3pm (if any @Level 4): Karen + 2 Internal Traffic Ushers
- Give out prayer lists and take attendance

3. South 2 to block off last 3 rows for walk-ins.

4. Standby to lay chairs and overflow to staircases. Opening floor plan: 1628 (A1 and A3 with15 rows). H4: Ensure altar call plan is ready.

5. Stage positions and ushers to be sharp and preempt anything happening in front.

6. Other Duties
- Support/Recycling: Jeff Fan, Norman Wong
- Hall Attendance: Chee Keong, Xinyi

7. All ushers to stay for RECYCLING.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Allocation for WYZ zone on 4 July 09

Hotel 1: Vanessa Tan
Hotel 1A: Zech Lim
Hotel 3: Toh Lay Hwa
South: Lee Ming Hui
Hotel 4: Lincoln Lim

Stage 1: Berwin Tay
Stage 1 understudy: Seng Chong
Stage 2: Joshua Wong
Stage Usher: Valerie Ang (go up stage), Rebecca

Traffic: Jonathan Tan
Traffic 2: Jeremy Chng
Alpha: Jermaine Lee
West: Matthew Ho
East: Justin Koe
East overseer: Tan Xin Yi


1. Usher allocation will be given on the day it self. ICs briefing at 12.15pm (Level 4, if not riveria)

2. South to be block off with red/white tap except the few 3 rows.

3. Other Duties
- Support/Recycling: Jermaine Lee
- Hall Attendance: Lay Hwa, Vanessa Tan

4. All ushers to stay for RECYCLING.

Chee Keong's card!

Wow check out the birthday card that kah keong did for chee keong!!

i'm so impressed! hehe... not tat the other cards are not nice cos we really appreciate all those who made the effort to bless our fellow friends!

G12 got talents too and we can showcase here in our blog.. so send them in to! :)